Hacking FIRE? What does that even mean? Are you guys technologically advanced cavemen or something?

No, no, we don’t mean that kind of fire. On this site, when we refer to FIRE, it refers to Financial Independence and Retiring Early[0]. Ted and Trent are good friends as well as cybersecurity experts, with a strong interest in becoming financially independent and being able to retire early. As road warriors, they travel around the country - or the world - for work, and when no one is looking, for leisure.


Our goals are to teach you how to become financially independent so you can retire early, work on projects you’re passionate about, and teach you hacks to make the most of your money and purchasing power. If you’re traveling a ton for work, you should learn about churning and look into the best credit cards for travel hacking. Are you paying someone to manage your money? Save more and earn more by moving to a lazy portfolio. There’s so many ways to cut expenses, earn a higher salary, and side hustle for extra cash.


Ted is a Christian, living in the greater Washington DC area and has always had the frugal mindset. He understood the importance of saving and wanted to learn more about investing. Initially led into actively managed funds by well meaning family members, Ted learned about the Boglehead philosophy and moved away from actively managed funds and the financial advisers devouring his returns. Ted is pursuing FIRE with the goal of never having to worry about how much money is in the bank, explore more of the great outdoors, meet more awesome people, and pursue his own passions without regard for the financial gain.


Trent is a Christian and technical savant, holding patents for multiple web technology ideas. Ted and Trent met in college and while Trent worked more than Ted, he saved less. Ted eventually won Trent over to the side of financial independence with a chart displaying the benefits of investing early and compound interest[7]. Trent expanded on the basic ideas to research more unique and uncommon investment methods. Originally from the east coast of the US, Trent moved west, married the woman of his dreams, and together they ventured across the Atlantic ocean. Now living in Europe, Trent and his bride continue to explore more countries and cultures as they wanderlust and hunt for a place to live in retirement.


What Ted and Trent are really working towards is freedom. Freedom to go where they want, when they want, how they want. Freedom to spend time with people or work on projects as they desire. What would you do if you took money out of the equation?

If you have some other question, please feel free to contact us using the link at the top.