
Talking about Financial Independence

Have you ever talked to your coworkers or friends about finances? How to invest in the 401k, how strapped for cash they are, or some unexpected expense they don’t have the money for, even though they drive a $40,000 Jeep Wrangler. As you learn more about personal finance, budgeting, paying off debt, and improving your credit score in the pursuit of financial independence, you’ll come to realize that you’re the expert at personal finance.

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Emergency Fund

Introduction When you’re living paycheck to paycheck or you’re one unexpected expense away from not being able to eat, you may wonder where all your money went, not to mention, wishing you had more of it. Budgeting will help you answer the question “Where is all my money going?”, which will put you on the path to saving more of your income. Your emergency fund is the baseline that your bank account never dips below; that is your zero.

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Compound Interest

Introduction How old are you? If that question made you think of your age, you earn half credit. If you thought of your age, but were incorrect, you get a laugh. If you answered “Old enough!” you’re correct. You’re never too young or too old to start investing, but your age and how long you plan to work will determine how hard you have to work. If you’re young and dream of working into your 60’s, then you have an easy financial road ahead.

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